Friday 4 January 2013

Audience Research

I conducted audience research on my blog using an online poll to get suggestions for how I should produce my music magazine.

When asked which masthead people preferred, 100% of the votes chose the masthead "AMPlified", because of this, I will use this masthead on my cover.

When asked how many images should be on a front cover, 60% of voters said 1 and 40% said 3.

When asked if people would read a magazine that focused on new, aspiring and independent bands instead of established bands, 66% of voters said 'Yes with occasional mention of established bands', while the other 33% simply said 'Yes'

When asked what age group the voters are in, 75% were 15-17 and 25% were 18-20

Using this information, I can produce a music magazine cover that is mostly effective with the target audience.

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