Tuesday 30 April 2013

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The production of my magazine has made me use certain pieces of software and hardware that I would never have used if it were not for this task. The first example of technology I have used is Blogger.

Blogger is probably the only technology I have used before for other projects. It is one of the online technologies that I have used, however not for creative purposes but rather product publication and almost like a diary. It is a simple and easy website to use and is very effective without the need for extra effort to make posts appear more sophisticated.

Adobe Photoshop is a program that I have had brief experience before in, but not enough to a point where I didn't need assistance or demonstration. The program is a lot more complex than anything else I have used for this product but I fortunately did not need to use it frequently. It did eventually get easier as I only had certain tools to use in order to finish photo editing, but was also very time consuming, even to a point where I had to adjust certain planned features for my magazine in order to meet the minor deadlines.

Prezi is another online application that I have had to get accustomed with, but only for two of my evaluation questions in order to easily present it. This program was relatively straightforward to use after a bit of practice and was definitely a good choice of presenting technology to use.

The main application obviously was Adobe Indesign. I spent most of the hours of the process on this software in order to create my magazine cover, article and contents page. Like Photoshop, the application took a bit of demonstration to be able to be confident with, but this was during the preliminary task stage, so by the time I had began the product, I was comfortable with it and knew exactly what tools I needed in order to use it more successfully and even be more creative with it than previously.

Alongside these pieces of technology, I have also used hardware, such as computers, which I already know how to navigate through, and cameras, both video and picture capturing devices which have been a brief but important part in the process. All of these individual experiences are useful things which I can apply for future productions.

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