Tuesday 2 October 2012

School Magazine - First Draft

My initial draft of my school magazine has the basic layout with a masthead, main coverline, other coverlines, main image, price and exclusives.

The main image is the school uniform laid out on a table in a kind of scruffy fashion, to accompany the main coverline story as to whether the uniform should be discarded.

The Masthead "Henry '8" was chosen to give the school name a more modern touch, along with the difference of sizes between letters, which should appeal to the audience of pupils, years 7-13.
The main coverline attracts all pupils in the years 7-11 as they are made to wear uniform and it is certain that they will all have strong views and interests about the topic. 

The cliché phrase "to be or not to be?" is a clever way of basically asking "should we have school uniform?" but written with a humorous touch to be more appealing as well as being obviously written by Shakespeare, who is studied in English.
The brief description should also attract pupils as it looks at the opinions of teachers as well as students.

The other coverlines are also appealing to a wider range of audience. They are all strange or unheard of and therefore can make a possible reader more intrigued to read the rest of the magazine.

The exclusives on the bottom of the page are not flashes as such but would draw in a potential reader with their offers. 

If a student is perhaps interested in improving their maths then the top one might appeal, where as potential history students for GCSE or A-Level may be more interested to know what one of the History teachers is doing to make the subject more interesting to learn, or perhaps it might simply make another interesting read for the magazine.

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